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  1. Communication is a way of realising the Salesian charism.

Communication is a key element in the realisation of the Salesian charism in the different cultures and the educative approach developed by St. John Bosco and the preventive system (reason, religion, loving-kindness). It becomes a means for social transformation, taking into account the changing paradigms of communication and living in increasingly multicultural and multireligious contexts.


We firmly believe in the value of authentic and empathic interpersonal communication. Members of the Salesian Family live the communication of encounter by reaching out to young people in their diverse social and cultural situations.


They listen from the heart and speak from the heart, also embracing digital culture and new technologies.

2. Young people are at the centre of Salesian communication.

The top priority in Salesian communication is commitment to the young. It presupposes the active involvement of young people to express their voices, to share their challenges and to participate in dialogue in a setting that reflects Salesian values. With regard to the digital world, we will ensure that young people are protagonists on the Internet and on Salesian social media.


We offer them the opportunity to collaborate in the field of content creation and management. We encourage them to be creative and responsible in the spirit of Don Bosco, who wanted good Christians and honest citizens.

3. We commit ourselves to educate, evangelise and form responsible

    communication also in the digital environment.

Communication in the Salesian Family goes far beyond the mere transmission of information or messages. It is based on a broader and more complex vision; it is a vehicle for education, evangelisation and formation in the digital age.

This education includes understanding the dynamics of communication, media ethics and discernment in the use of the media. Using the media, the Salesian Family spreads the Gospel message and promotes Christian values. Formation in responsible communication, especially in the digital environment, includes media ethics, respectful online behaviour and prevention of abuse.

4. We are aware of the changing communication age.

This awareness is essential to adapt and remain relevant in Salesian communication. Understanding these changes is the starting point for adapting communication strategies to the new reality. Therefore, the Salesian Family is committed to discovering and embracing new forms of communication that reflect the preferences and habits of the emerging generations and new digital environment. Traditional media have often been overtaken by new forms of online communication.

On the other hand, we value local culture, history, languages and rituals. Moreover, the Salesian Family continues to support the arts, such as theatre, music, sports, dance and writing, to help young people express themselves and contribute to culture.

5. We will ensure professionalism in the Salesian Family's social communication.

Professionalism is an essential aspect of being proactive, possessing skills and keeping up with new trends and emerging challenges in communication, including in the digital environment. The Salesian Family is committed to ensuring professional internal and external communication, appropriate collaboration with journalists, and the preparation of experts, spokespersons and professionals through studies, internships, courses and relevant training.


It will also seek to allocate adequate funds for social communication activities. Moreover, the Salesian Family is open to media convergence, the development of appropriate communication strategies, professional management of communication channels and human resources management.

6. We want to build the future of Salesian communication with

    migrants and refugees.

In this regard, we would like to focus and stress the importance of including migrants and refugees, especially young people, in the context of Salesian communication, recognising the challenges and opportunities presented by these circumstances.
Through both traditional and digital media, the Salesian Family aims to include migrants and refugees in its communication efforts. It also helps to reduce prejudices, build bridges, emphasise respect for fundamental human rights and disseminate the Church's teaching on this issue. It also requires the creation of safe and welcoming spaces where these people can express their stories, aspirations and challenges.

7. We want to communicate ecology and climate change with the right


Professionalism in communicating ecology and climate change also implies the ability to convey the complexity of these issues in a way that is understandable to both the Church and the general public. This requires the use of clear and accessible language, as well as the creation of educational content that can inspire and engage people in taking concrete action to address environmental challenges.

We will address environmental awareness, promotion of sustainable solutions, collaboration with environmental experts, climate change issues, pollution, ecological conversion and environmental education. In addition, we will promote Church teaching on these issues.

8. At the heart of Salesian communication we place the common good

    of man and the Church.

Communication aims at promoting human dignity, solidarity, peace, social justice and Gospel values. With an appropriate anthropological vision, it contributes to the progress and common good of society and the Church, especially the poor, the marginalised, the victims of war and violence.

The focus on the person is fundamental, because man is the true way of the Church. In the context of sexual abuse and other crises, the Salesian Family's communication will aim to put the human being - the victim - at the centre of concerns. Measures will be taken to inform the public with integrity, transparency, and conformity with Church directives, collaborating with the media and journalists.

9. We will not be afraid of new technologies!

The Salesian Family remains open to new challenges and solutions in the field of social communication. This underlines the willingness to embrace technological innovation in the ever-changing world, bearing in mind the dangers of the digital environment. It emphasises the commitment to understanding the use of the Internet, social media, digital platforms and tools to spread the Salesian message effectively.

In our work on social communication, we understand and utilise trends such as: media convergence, content and influencer marketing, mobile journalism, AR, VR, UGC, SEO, IoT, AI tools, content creators, cybersecurity, metaverse, multichanneling and many others.

10. We will be attentive to the signs of the times.

New ways of expressing faith, God, the Holy Spirit and the Salesian charism through the means of social communication imply theological and sociological study and deepening. Being attentive to the signs of the times requires flexibility in adapting communication strategies so that they are relevant and effective.

It becomes a dynamic approach that aims to ensure that the Salesian mission is always relevant and able to respond to the opportunities of the contemporary world. We are aware of the challenges we face, such as the need to prepare ourselves and work as digital missionaries in collaboration with lay people. It seems indisputable to maintain our Salesian identity and fidelity to the Church's teaching in the synodal perspective and culture.






00185 ROME



Salesian Pontifical University

Salesian University Square, 1
00139 ROME



The Salesian University is located in the Nuovo Salario district (Northern Rome), and can be reached by:

  • the Metro B1Jonio or Conca d'Oro stop
    + bus 80 or 93 to Piazza O. Vimercati

  • bus 90 Express from Termini Station (Piazza O. Vimercati stop)

  • the metropolitan train at Nuovo Salario station


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